If you would like to perform a lookup based on an image you can follow the steps below. It is very similar to configuring a normal lookup except for a few small details:
- Create the fields that are going to be looking up / looked up.
- Configure the lookup as you would normally, with the source session / relationships / trigger field, etc. being configured for the fields you want to look up.
- For more information about how to configure a lookup, you can watch this video https://youtu.be/m0cNjUTBSQY or go to page 29 of the user guide.
- In the Form Designer of the session where the lookup is being performed, create an "Image" control object by selecting it from the list on the left.
- Select that image object, place it on your form, and in the Selected Control Properties on the right, set the "SourceField" to the field you have created in your field settings for the image (this should just be a normal Text data type field).
For further information, you can consult the configuration of this project, https://www.tracerplus.com/mobile-app/trailer-safety-inspection, which has an image lookup.
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