Some of our users have been experiencing installation issues with TracerPlus Desktop 9 when Avast Antivirus software is being used. With Avast running it is blocking the install from taking place and also prevents the app from running. In order to run TracerPlus Desktop with Avast Antivirus you need to do the following:
- Disable Avast before running the TracerPlus Desktop installer
- After install, close TracerPlus Desktop and Re-enable Avast
- In Avast, navigate to Settings-->General-->Exclusions
- Under File Paths, enter the following in the file path field: C:\Program Files (x86)\PTS\TracerPlus Desktop 9\* (If using a 32 bit version of windows you should reference \Program Files\)
- Click Add and hit OK
- Under File Paths, enter the following in the file path field: C:\Users\"Your User Name Here"\AppData\Roaming\Portable Technology Solutions\TracerPlus Desktop 9 9.0.0\*
- Click Add and hit OK
- Try opening TracerPlus Desktop to verify this fixed the issue
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