Although TracerPlus Connect is recommended for data syncing to and from ODBC, Excel and Text sources, users also have the option to manually import and export text data. This requires the manual steps outlined below.
Importing Text Data
TracerPlus users can manually import both drop down and session data. Follow the instructions below for importing data into the TracerPlus Mobile Client.
Importing Drop Down Data
Data can be imported to drop down fields by placing a text file into the \Android\data\com.pts.tracerplus\files\data\for_import folder of your connected device. This file should be named in the format of SxxFyy.txt where xx = the session number and yy = the field number (e.g. S02F05.txt would import drop down values to field 5 in session 2). The file should contain each drop down value separated by a carriage return. When using drop down filters or DB Values, this data should be separated by a tab character. Once copied to the device, select Import Data from the menu in the upper left corner to import the drop down list(s). Alternatively, appending a _auto to the text filename auto imports drop down data when TracerPlus is launched on your device.
Importing Session Data
Data can be imported to a session by placing a tab-delimited text file into the \Android\data\com.pts.tracerplus\files\data\for_import folder of your connected device. This file should be named in the format of Sxx_data.txt where xx = the session number (e.g., S03_data.txt would import data to session 3). Once copied to the device, select Import Data from the menu in the upper left corner to import this session data. Alternatively, appending a _auto to the text filename auto imports the session data when TracerPlus is launched on your device.
Custom Import
Custom importing allows you to control which TracerPlus session to import data into and where that data comes from. This differs from general importing in that it enables you to only choose an individual session to import into instead of all sessions. To perform a Custom Import, select the Session to import into, then select the data file you wish to import.
Exporting Text Data
Data can be exported from TracerPlus by selecting the Export Data option in the upper left menu, or by clicking a button on your form that has a button action of ExportData. This exports data for any session it is enabled for to the \Android\data\com.pts.tracerplus10\files\data\exported folder of your device. The formatting of this data export is configured via the settings described in Section 5.4. When exporting data containing images or signatures, these files are saved to a Bin folder located in the directory referenced above.
Custom Export
Custom exporting allows you to control which TracerPlus session to export data from and where that data exports to. This differs from general exporting in that it enables you to only choose an individual session to export out of instead of all sessions. To perform a Custom Export, select the Session to Export out of, select the location to export to, then key in a file name you wish to export.
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