To setup your TracerPlus enabled mobile device to sync at a specific time, follow the steps below:
- Setup your TracerPlus Connect Sync Profile as you normally would and note the Profile ID.
- In TracerPlus Desktop, open your project and then navigate to the Connect settings.
- Add a Host and configure its IP address or host name. Note the Host ID.
- Navigate to the Sync Timers tab and add a new timer.
- Make sure it is Enabled, set the Interval to 45 (Seconds), Select your Host ID above then enter your Profile ID from step 1.
- Navigate to the Sync Conditions tab and click the Add button, then choose DateTime.
- Verify the Profile ID is set to the same Profile ID configured for the sync timer above.
- Select the After radio button and set the time you would like it to sync after. IE if you want it to sync at midnight set this to 12:00:00 AM.
- Click the Add button again and select DateTime.
- Select the Before radio button and set it to 12:01:00 AM.
- Deploy the project and you should now be set to sync 1 time between 12:00 and 12:01 AM.
Note: For the sync to work, TracerPlus must be running on the device and the device powered on typically in its charging cradle.
Note 2: If you still intend to click Sync buttons manually on the device, the Timers/Conditions created above should be pointing to a different profile in connect. This can be done by duplicating your existing profiles using the duplicate option. If you do not create separate profile(s) for the Sync Timer/Condition, you will only be able to use these Manual Sync buttons during the times set for the Sync Conditions.
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