This error can occur if you have enabled the "Require Login" feature under the Admin section of your TracerPlus Desktop Project and are logging in to TracerPlus using a subscription login. Since TracerPlus does not currently support two separate logins for Subscription and App level ,the following workarounds can be done to successfully login to TracerPlus again.
- Disable the "Require Login" feature and manage your users at
- If you need to utilize the "Allowed Sessions" feature, leave "Require Login" enabled and update the Usernames to match those in your TracerPlus Subscriptions.
- If using the "Validate users from this list" option, simply update all of your user names to match what you have added in TracerPlus Subscriptions and clear out any passwords you are using for these users.
- If using the "Validate users from external session" option, simply update your user name field in the external database to match what you have in TracerPlus Subscriptions and Disable the "Password field".
Once you have made one of the above changes, you will need to redeploy the project to your handheld. Since you are not able to get into TracerPlus to access the "Download Project" menu, you can actually update the project from this Login Page. Click the menu icon in the upper right corner of the login page, then click the "Download Project" button, then either click the "Download" Button if your project is already in the list, or Scan the QR Code again. You should now have the updated project with your changes and be able to login with your Subscription user and password.
Note: The Require Login function cannot be used if your TracerPlus Subscription is set to login by device id.
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