The RFID Tag Locator is a useful tool for finding a specific RFID Tag via a proximity scan around the device. When the button is clicked, a pop-up window appears with a meter gauge. This meter along with an audio cue is used to determine the proximity to the specified Tag ID.
Please Note: This feature will only work on devices that have RFID supported hardware and are natively supported by TracerPlus. The RFID Tag Locator can be enabled for use in your project by following the steps below:
- First, open your project in Tracer Plus Desktop and view it in the Form Designer.
- Next, place a new button on the form. Access the button's Control Properties Window by selecting it.
- In the Control Properties Window, set button action to RFIDTagLocator.
- Lastly, configure the Tag ID Control ID setting in the Control Properties Window. This setting tells the Tag Locator which tag it is looking for. Simply set it to the Control ID of the field control that will be holding your RFID Tag data.
- Also, verify that the RFID Scanner has been enabled for the session under the Data Capture settings.
- Build/deploy your project. Your RFID Tag Locator is now ready for use
Please Note: Data can be entered into the specified Tag ID control manually, loaded from a list of existing data, or even scanned in. The RFID Tag Locator is most useful
when hooked up to a Gridcontrol containing a full list of all your RFID Tags. This way you can select any tag from the list and then search for it with the RFID Tag Locator.
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