TracerPlus natively supports UHF RFID scanning on Mobile RFID devices from Zebra including the MC319Z, MC919Z, RFD5500 Sled, RFD2000 Sled and RFD8500 Sled. These devices can only support one "Application" connection to the RFID reader at a time. Because of this, TracerPlus needs full access to the RFID reader requiring any demo apps that utilize the RFID Reader to be fully exited. These demo apps can include RFID RapidRead, RFID Demo and Tag Locator. This will also apply if you are using other software that needs access to the RFID reader. Follow the steps below to insure no apps are currently running and utilizing the RFID Reader:
- Make sure that the RFID tile on the home screen of the device sates that it is Running. If it is not running, click on it, click Settings, and then tap the Run/Stop RFID option.
- Open the demo apps in question and make sure you click the Exit or Menu-->Exit option vs OK. Clicking OK leaves apps running in the background in some cases.
- Fully Exit any other 3rd party Apps that may use the RFID reader.
- Re-deploy your TracerPlus Desktop Project that has RFID reading enabled.
- If TracerPlus is still not reading after trying the above steps, Warm Boot the device which will close any open apps. When the device boots back up and the RFID tile says Running, open TracerPlus and see if it will read the RFID tags now.
- As a best practice we also recommend disabling the DataWedge app that comes pre-installed on some Zebra devices. This can be done by clicking on the DataWedge tile of the home screen, click Settings and then tap the Running option.
Note: This feature only works for Zebra Devices with the Integrated RFID Scanners and the Zebra RFD5500, Zebra RFD2000 and RFD8500 sleds. For devices other than Zebra you will need to have a wedge type application running on the device that can grab data from the RFID reader and input them to a 3rd party application such as TracerPlus. Keep in mind this method loses a lot of the built in RFID functionality that TracerPlus provides.
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